Strong halogen light for high demands
Thanks to innovative laser ablation technology, NIGHT BREAKER LASER halogen headlight lamps shine up to 150% brighter compared to the minimum legal standard. The highly engineered filament ensures an extra light boost. Consequently, the lamps provide an up to 150m long beam and up to 20% whiter light compared to the minimum legal standard. More light and improved visibility can help drivers identify and react to traffic hazards more quickly. Last but not least: OSRAM NIGHT BREAKER LASER impresses with its unique design (laser-engraved product name) and complete portfolio (H1, H3, H4, H7, H8, H11, HB3, HB4).
Technical Data
Product information
Application (Category and Product specific)
Halogen headlight lamp
General Product Information
Global order reference
Electrical Data
Power input
68 W
Nominal voltage
12.0 V
Nominal wattage
55 W
Test voltage
13.2 V
Photometric Data
Nominal luminous flux
1550 lm
Luminous flux tolerance
±15 %
Color temperature
3400 K
Physical Attributes & Dimensions
8.5 mm
Product weight
6.30 g
62.5 mm
Lamp base
Lifetime Data
Lifespan B3
150 hr
Lifespan Tc
300 hr
Certificates & standards
ECE category
Environmental & Regulatory Information
Information according Art. 33 of EU Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 (REACh)
Primary article identifier
4052899991309 | 4062172114936 | 4062172388108 | 4052899998995 | 4052899990944 | 4052899991538 | 4062172114899 | 4052899991453 | 4062172256940 | 4062172395489 | 4058075141513
Candidate list substance 1
No declarable substances contained
Declaration no. in SCIP database
No declarable substances contained
Packaging information
Unit |
Piece |
Dimension l x w x h |
Weight |
Volume |
4052899991309 |
| 1 | 25mm x 23mm x 70mm | 8.00g | 0.28dm³ |
4052899991323 |
| 100 | 245mm x 145mm x 140mm | 955.00g | 4.97dm³ |
4062172114899 |
| 2 | 113mm x 48mm x 105mm | 104.00g | 0.28dm³ |
4062172114905 |
| 10 | 268mm x 126mm x 125mm | 605.00g | 4.22dm³ |
4062172114936 |
| 1 | 135mm x 95mm x 24mm | 28.00g | 0.28dm³ |
4062172114943 |
| 10 | 225mm x 105mm x 145mm | 315.00g | 3.43dm³ |
4062172388108 |
| 2 | 100mm x 51mm x 120mm | 43.00g | 0.28dm³ |
4062172388115 |
| 10 | 266mm x 111mm x 134mm | 292.00g | 3.96dm³ |
4062172395489 |
| 1 | 95mm x 22mm x 135mm | 16.00g | 0.28dm³ |
4062172395496 |
| 10 | 144mm x 134mm x 110mm | 202.00g | 2.12dm³ |
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Product label
12V lamp NIGHT BREAKER LASER, Made in Germany: (GB) RING Automotive Ltd, LS12 6NA, UK (SK) Jasnosť. Až +150%. Vzdialenosť. Až 150m. Farba svetla. Až +20%. Životnosť. Štandard, (HR) Svjetlost. Do +150%. Razmak. Do 150m. Boja svjetlosti. Do +20%. Vijek trajanja. UV filtar. Zemlja podrijetla: Njemačka, (RO) Strălucire. Până la +150%. Distanţă. Până la 150m. Culoarea luminii. Până la +20%. Durata de viaţă. Filtru UV. Produs în Germania, (GR) Φωτεινότητα. Έως και +150%. Απόσταση. Έως και 150m. Απαλό χρώμα. Έως και +20%. ιάρκεια ζωής. Φίλτρο UV. Κανονικό, (E) Luminosidad. Hasta +150%. Distancia. Hasta 150m. Tono de luz. Hasta +20%. Duración. Filtro UV. Estándar. Fabricado en Alemania, (UA) УФ-фільтр, (PRC) 使用说明. 安装时请勿接触玻璃泡壳. 操作建议穿戴手套及护目镜, 并注意关闭供电. 如泡壳破损, 不可使用. 使用时温度 高于200℃, 小心灼伤, 产品执行标准: Q/OCN 8, 数量: 2, 德国制造, 欧司朗(中国)照明有限公司, 广东省佛山市工业北路 1号 邮编:528000, (RC) 台灣歐司朗股份有限公司, 台北市中山區104松江路87號7樓, (HK) OSRAM Prosperity Co. Ltd, Room 4007-4009 Office Tower, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, (RI) PT OSRAM Indonesia, Regus - JB Tower 10th Floor, Jl. Kebon Sirih No.48-50, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat 10110, Indonesia, (ROK) 주의사항: 1)이 차량용 램프는 유리제품이므로 충격을 주거나 무리한 힘을 가하지 마 십시오. 2)램프의 교환은 전원을 차단하고 장갑을 끼고 램프의 열이 식은 후에 교환해 주세요. 제조자: OSRAM GmbH, 제조국: 독일, 주식회사 오스람, 서울시 강남구 삼성로 554 예성빌딩 3층 (06165), AS: 080 349 0365, www., (MAL) OSRAM (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD, PT207, Level 4, Uptown, 7, Jalan SS 21/39, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, (SGP) OSRAM Lighting Pte Ltd, 988 Toa Payoh North, # 03-01 / 07 / 08, Singapore 319002, (THA) ประเภทสินค้า : อุปกรณ์ส่องสว่าง, วิธีใช้ : ใช้เพื่อส่องสว่าง ทั่วไป, ข้อแนะนำ�า : ไม่ควรเก็บไว้ในที่ชื้น, คำ�าเตือน : ห้ามดัดแปลงหรือใช่ ร่วมกับอุปกรณ์ที่ไม่ได้มาตราฐาน, ราคา : ระบุ ณ จุดขาย, วันที่ผลิต : DD/MM/YYYY, ประเทศที่ผลิต : เยอรมัน, นำ�เข้าและจัดจำ�หน่ายโดย : บริษัท ออสแรม (ประเทศไทย) จำ�กัด เลขที่ 57 อาคารปาร์คเวนเชอร์ อีโคเพล็กซ์ ชั้น 18 ยูนิต 1808 - 1809 ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพมหานคร 10330.